To pay by standing order or using online banking to send a rent payment through. Rent is charged from the 1st of each month . You will need to quote your rent reference number so your payment can be matched against the correct account. Please contact the office if unsure what your reference is.

Our bank details are as follows:

  • Santander uk plc, Brindle Road, Bootle L30 4GB
  • Sort code: 09 07 20
  • Account: 04987292


Rent payments can be made on line by bank transfer using the bank details provided by Prestwich & North Western Housing Association.

Payments to be made to:

  • Santander uk plc, Brindle Road, Bootle L30 4GB
  • Sort code: 09 07 20
  • Account: 04987292


Cash or a cheque can be paid directly at the office which is on site at Rectory Green.

Our Address

24 Rectory Green, Prestwich, M25 1BQ

Tel: 0161 773 5219

Open Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00


To pay by allpay if you have not already got a payment card, please contact the office so a card can be ordered. These can be used at most pay points or the post office.


This can be applied for via Bury Council normally you would have to provide proof of identity, proof of income and proof of your tenancy agreement. If entitled to housing benefit you can request to have the payment direct to yourself or directly to your landlord.

If there is a shortfall of rent being paid by housing benefit it will be the responsibility of the tenant to make up the difference in payment. This is paid four weekly. Please ring Bury Council on 0161 255 5000  They can also help you with Council Tax benefits.



This is another form of benefit that can be claimed to help pay your rent. This again can be paid directly to the tenant or paid directly to the landlord.

This is paid on a monthly basis. Any shortfall in rent must be paid by the tenant.

Contact Department of Works and pensions and when claiming Universal Credit please inform them that you wish to claim towards your rent.

Cost Of Living

Cost of Living and the Housing Support Fund through Bury Council –>

If anybody is finding they are having any difficulty getting food, electric and gas please go to the Housing Support Fund on the Bury Councils website as above.

Apply For A Home

Affordable High Quality Housing, Prestwich, North Manchester