Connect with us on Social Media.

In the last letter we asked you to let us know which social media channels you used and as a result we have set up a Facebook account, a linked in account, an X account and a WhatsApp group. We have not uploaded any content at present but will start to do this over the coming months.

The WhatsApp Group is designed so we can put general update messages out quickly, for instance if there is an interruption to the electric supply or to remind you about community events and the like.

The WhatsApp group is not designed for you to report issues to us as it is not monitored 24/7.  So, if you do report matters such as repairs using the WhatsApp Group it might not be actioned as quickly as it would have done had you reported it in the normal way.

Connect with us:

  • On X (Twitter) via link: PrestwichNW
  • On LinkedIn via link: PrestwichNW
  • Our facebook page is under construction.
  • Our YouTube channel is under construction

We hope to post information on all our social media channels and let us know if there is some content you would like to see.

Finally, we are in the final stages of updating our website. The current site is very old fashioned and has needed updating for some time. The new website will go live in the next few weeks and more details will follow when it is online.

Yours sincerely

Mike Corfield

CEO Prestwich and North Western Housing Association

Published On: July 22nd, 2024 / Categories: Social Media /